YL Website “User Backoffice” NEW Graphical Makeover

Today, YL Website has launched a brand NEW “User Backoffice” with beautiful and easy to read buttons.  The new buttons display beautiful graphics showing what each button is for as well as bold text alongside.  When you hover over a button with your mouse you will notice that the button pops up as well as becomes highlighted with a light blue color.  A lot of thought went into these buttons so that the user can graphically see what they are about to click as well as bringing the website up to HTML5 and CSS3 standards!

YL Website is truly state-of-the-art and the fact that we are actively updating the website puts us light years ahead of our competition.

To see the new User Backoffice simply log into your account and voila, the new backoffice is set up to show on all the user’s backoffice!

So enjoy! And keep a look out for new updates to YL Website!

YL Website User Backoffice

New Header Images added to all YL Website replicated websites!

YL Website has just recently released four NEW Header Images for the personal websites!  YL Website is committed to keeping our content fresh and up to date as well as adding new beautiful images whenever we can.

Take a look at these beautiful header images below:

Slique Kit Header

Slique Kit Header Image 2

Deep Relief Header Image

NingXia Red Header Image with Promo Box

To make any of these images your own Header Image on your own YL Website personal site, simple log into your backoffice and click “Update Header Image.” Then select any of the new header images that have been recently added and click update.Simple as that!

And remember you can always upload your own header image to truly personalize your website.  To learn how, go here: http://www.ylwebsitesupport.com/how-to-add-your-own-header-image-to-yl-website.html

If you are a current YL Website user and would like other header images to be available, please feel free to email us at:  feedback@ylwebsite.com